May 1945

A very odd movement has developed just weeks after, my boss, President Henry A. Wallace was sworn into office.   Several nuts have taken to the radio and lecture halls leading a crusade that H.A. is not a U.S. citizen, but a Soviet plant.  Based on this lie, they are calling for his removal as President. 

They claim that he does not have a valid birth certificate and secretly speaks Russian.  The fact is that H.A. was born on his family’s farm without the help of a doctor or even midwife, and he does indeed know Russian and a couple other languages.  He did not obtain a birth certificate until well into his adult years.  They also believe that H.A.’s trip to Russia and China in the Spring of 1944 was to receive orders from his Communist masters and they infer that he is responsible for F.D.R.’s death.  This is an insane conspiracy story.   The fact that F.D.R. sent H.A. on the trip never is mentioned and that the trip almost cost H.A. the Vice Presidency because he was not in the States to defend himself against the forces trying to remove him from the ticket.   I don’t know what brew they are adding to their morning tea or coffee, but it is making them crazy.

But saying they are crazy is too easy an answer.  This is an organized and complex campaign.  Crazy people don’t organize meetings and pay for radio and newspaper space to promote them.  Who is recruiting these people?  Who is writing the script for them? Who is paying them and their bookers to get them on the radio and in lecture halls around the country?  That is the real mystery and conspiracy!  As further proof, they say H.A.’s middle name is Russian, “Agard” – it is really from Horace Agard a Methodist minister relative of H.A.’s mother.  But I guess old Horace could be a Soviet plant too – assuming these nuts believe that there really was a Horace Agard!

Friends, I know Communists and I can assure you that H.A. is not one.  A progressive democrat yes – a Communist definitely not!  I don’t even think the Socialist Party would have him.  However, for people like this there is no distinction between liberals, communists, socialists, or anarchists – we are just lumped together as the Red Menace.  Sadly, the members of these various groups do recognize the differences and spend the vast majority of their time attacking each other rather than working together to bring positive change to the nation.

H.A. is ignoring this silly sideshow.

We have more important things to do – the war in Europe is over!  However, I am sorry that F.D.R. did not live to see this day.  Sadly, as one war ends forces are trying to spark another – and we haven’t defeated the Japanese yet.  Churchill is part of this movement.  He sent us a telegraph just four days after V-E Day that stated, “An iron curtain is drawn down upon their” meaning the Soviet’s “front.  We do not know what is going on behind.”  To try to dispel these fears H.A. sent Henry Hopkins [key foreign policy advisor - actually lives in the White House  -AS] to Moscow to meet with Stalin and sustain relations.  Our ambassador to the Soviet Union, Averell Harriman, seems to be moving to Churchill's side.  Harriman, who previously was supportive of the Soviet Union, changed his stance and he even opposes the Soviet’s request of a $6 billion loan to help rehabilitate the war-ravaged nation.  H.A. overruled him.  Fortunately, our military, following the accords made at Teheran and Yalta, are cooperating fully and peacefully with the Soviet military on matters of strategy and occupation.  The U.S. military leaders understand that Soviet assistance is needed in the war against Japan.  They see no advantage to alienate the Soviets at the moment of victory in Europe.

H.A. had to reprimand Nelson Rockefeller, the State Department’s top man on Latin American, who wanted Argentina to be admitted into the UN.  H.A. correctly opposed this because Argentina’s government had been supportive of the Axis powers throughout the war.  H.A. believes that elements of the State Department wanted to build a solid anti-Soviet bloc of nations using Latin America and Great Britain and its colonial states at the UN.  H.A. fears that if such a coalition is formed the Soviets would find themselves outvoted again and again in the Assembly, and the Soviet Union would not trust, and then not work with, the world organization to ensure a peaceful future.

With the conflict over in Europe and moving to a successful completion in the Pacific, I fear that the war-mongers will not allow us to give peace a chance.  They have found their new enemy.  Do they want perpetual conflict?  Surely, the profit of war does not trump the potential wealth of peace.

©  2012 Ron Millar