February 1948

The conservative political bosses, which are most of them, and their allies in newspapers and radio pressed their Wallace equals Communist rhetoric even harder.   I can't believe that only the most rabid Red-baiters actually fall for these lies; however, it seems that a growing number of Americans believe H.A. is a “dupe” or “fellow traveler” or a “pink.”  We have tried a variety of responses to educate Americans, but so far none have worked well. 

H.A. does not always help by saying things like, “I’m not following their [the Communist – AS] line.  If they want to follow my line, I say God bless’em.” 

He has even tried appealing to fair play and liberty, and a little scare tactic by saying, “Our most precious freedoms are being undermined by the cry of ‘Red!, Red!’” and the surefire way of bringing communism to the United States is to let “reactionary capitalists drive the country into a depression.”

We are also getting pressure from overseas.  London [Clement Attlee Prime Minister of Great Britain – AS] is insistent on holding a conference to establish a German state from the American, British, and French occupation zones.  R.A. refused any conference that did not include the Soviets.  He knows that nothing frightens Soviet leaders more than a revived Germany with the potential to reassert its power in central Europe.  H.A. is also working to prevent the creation of a fifty-year military mutual defense pact proposed by Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.  To H.A. it is obvious that any military agreement will be seen by the Soviets not as a defense agreement, but as an offensive alliance against them.  The Soviets are paranoid and we cannot feed this paranoia.

Although, it is getting harder and harder to deal with the Soviet Union.  The Soviet’s orchestrated the removal of almost all non-communists from the government of Czechoslovakia.  The only exception is the Foreign Minister Jan Masaryk – the son of the famous and beloved Tomas Masaryk [First President of Czechoslovakia 1918 to 1935 – AS].

Fulfilling his promise from the State of the Union Message, H.A. asked Congress to enact the recommendations from his Civil Rights Commission.  If Congress does not act, he said he would issue executive orders to end segregation in the federal government and the armed services.  The reaction of southern politicians was immediate and hostile.  South Carolina Governor Strom Thurmond held a press conference saying that the national Democrats could no longer take the South for granted and “they talk about breaking down the laws which knowledge and experience of many years have proven to be essential to the protection of the racial integrity and purity of the white and Negro races alike … As a nation we have favored the protection of racial autonomy and integrity in other lands, such as Palestine and India, but a different doctrine is sought to be applied here at home.”  [In private Governor Thurmond’s protection of racial integrity has not been so strong.  When he was 22 years old Mr. Thurmond impregnated his family’s 15 year-old maid and subsequently had a mixed blood daughter. – AS]  The Mississippi House Speaker, Walter Sillers Jr., was more direct calling R.A.’s civil right’s policies, “damnable, communistic, unconstitutional, anti-American, anti-Southern legislation.” Southern radio and newspapers were rabid in their rhetoric against H.A.’s efforts.  The White House was swamped with letters expressing the deep seated fears and hatred associated with the diseased minds advocating white supremacy. 

The combination of powerful southern Democrats and conservative Republicans ensured that the civil rights legislation would not move, but R.A. saw his responsibility to attempt to move the legislation forward, educate the American public, and demonstrate that the oppressed have a friend in the White House.  In addition, H.A. thought it was the right thing to do.

The fear and hatred expressed by the Whisky Rebels, Strom Thurmond, Walter Sillers, and many others reflect beliefs that are deeply ingrained in America.  Eventually our Jim Crow laws will be overturned and society will change to embrace concept of equality.  Perhaps someday soon polite society will be aghast at the language of militant white supremacy; however, a lingering base fear and loathing will exist for generations.  Language will transform to use code words that mask the target and the rationale for this undying fear and loathing.  I’m sure that unscrupulous politicians and political parties even fifty years from now will be using coded language to capture political power by unifying the southern states and capture border and other states where this fear and loathing still pervades our society. 

However, today, I get to see the faces twisted with hatred spewing fearful obscene epitaphs without any attempt at restraint.

©  2015 Ron Millar