June 1948

H.A. denounced the Mundt-Nixon [introduced by Republican Representatives Karl Mundt from South Dakota and Richard Nixon from California – AS] bill, which would require the registration of Communist Party members, disclosure of members and contributors to so-called “Communist Front” organizations, and the immediate deportation of Communist immigrants.  H.A. called it “the most subversive legislation ever to be seriously sponsored by the United States Congress.”

This bill is just a reflection of our bigger problem.  According to a Gallup poll 63 percent of Americans support the Mundt-Nixon bill.  Far too many Americans are catching “Red Fever” and we can’t see to calm these irrational fears.  Even old allies who fought for the civil liberties of all Americans are now turning their backs on anyone labeled as a Communist [not true!  The American Civil Liberties Union, a Communist front organization, has simply changed its tactics by refusing to directly represent Communists because they don't want to be publicly linked with Communists; however, they still file amicus briefs in the Courts to support the Communist agenda. – AS].  

The Whiskey Rebels are trying to turn everything and everyone – especially H.A. – on its head.  H.A. a proud American farmer from Iowa has been transformed into a rabid Soviet-dup bent on destroying America.  H.A. the defender of preparedness in last war has been transformed into a Chamberlain-esque appeaser for the next [reference to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain who attempted to mollified Hitler to maintain the peace and failed to prepare England for the war with Hitler – AS].   H.A. deeply religious, supporter of democracy, and progressive capitalism has been transformed into an apostle of godless totalitarian communism.   Our opponents are very powerful, clever, and sadly, quite effective.

The United States has not seen this level of irrational fear since the Red Scare following the last Great War [referencing our successful efforts to prevent the overthrow of the United States government by Communist subversives in 1918 to 1921 – AS].   At that time the anti-communist activities had the full support of the government, but H.A. is not going to let the Executive Branch participate in this renewed insanity. 

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