December 1946

Although mid-term election results were bad [see November 1946 entry –AS], this was a good financial year for H.A., he expected his 40 percent ownership of Pioneer Hi-Bred will provide him with $150,000.  This compared to his presidential salary of $75,000, Vice President salary of $20,000, and his former Secretary salary of $15,000.

Even with this income, H.A. is notoriously cheap.  One of my jobs, before he became President, was to surreptitiously supplement his restaurant tips.  As President, this does not come up as often, since he doesn’t need to carry cash or even a wallet, but on occasion still need to reach into my pocket.

Fortunately, H.A. is generous to labor in the big picture. 

H.A. used the full force of his office to mediate labor disputes and helped prevent strikes.  His efforts helped ensure that wages did not fall as the labor force increased with the returning service men and women. He did this through the public bully pulpit of shaming big business in their efforts to reduce wages and through private meetings explaining the importance of big business to work with his administration to ensure the continuance of lucrative government contracts, fair business regulation, and open markets overseas.  Strikes still occurred but I believe our efforts greatly limited the number of strikes and shortened their duration.  For those recalcitrant big businesses, unidentified members of our administration hinted that we were considering using the administration’s authority under the Smith-Connally Act of 1947, passed over FDR’s veto, to seize plants closed by labor disputes.   Since the law was designed to weaken organized labor, our opponents howled that this would be an illegal nationalizing of industry.  H.A. has not had to use this option, but the threat has been powerful. 

This month, we created a Committee on Civil Rights to provide recommendation on how to eliminate, or at least reduce, racial discrimination in government.  H.A. wants the government to serve all Americans and to ensure that it does he knows that government must be made up of all Americans.  Once these recommendations are made, I hope that H.A. will expand the focus of this committee.   The Whiskey Rebels attacked the formation of the committee in their normal hysteria that promoting civil rights is a communist plot to divide and destroy America.

©  2013 Ron Millar