May 1948

Following our rally in Madison Square Garden [in New York City - A.S.], a riot broke out.  Fascist members of the Catholic War Veterans attacked a group of progressive students who were peacefully picketing an anti-Russian motion picture showing at the Roxy Theater.  Our supporters leaving the rally went to the aide of the students.  The police arrived and indiscriminately beat and arrested participants from both sides. 

Vigilante events are occurring more and more frequently.  H.A. has protection, but his supporters do not.   In rallies were H.A. is not a speaker are especially dangerous because we do not have secret service protection.  Rallies at Duquesne University, the University of Pittsburgh, Harvard University, Yale University, the University of Colorado, and UCLA have resulted in rowdy confrontations with rabid anti-Wallace vigilantes. 

Even in cities where H.A. is speaking we frequently have difficulty getting the cooperation of the local police.  Detroit’s Police Commissioner Harry S. Toy is nuts and an excellent example of this problem.  He thought communists were entering the country from Canada disguised as rabbis and said that all leftists should be imprisoned.  After Walter Reuther [President of the United Auto Workers – was shot in his home in Detroit on April 20, 1948 – A.S.] was nearly assassinated, the bigoted Toy used this as an opportunity to round up H.A. supporters as suspects – almost all of them being those supporters who were darkly complected or those not of the Christian faith.  This diversion allowed the real shooter to get away.  When we spoke there, we bypassed Toy and obtained uniformed officers hand picket by the new mayor [Democrat Eugene Van Antwerp –A.S.] for additional security.

Fortunately, some of the behavior is so excessive and idiotic that it is comical.  A New York judge announced that he would take into account a parent’s support of H.A. as a factor in determining child custody.   A school board banned the book Twenty Modern Americans [a textbook by Alice Cecilia Cooper – I have requested the file on her – A.S.] because it contained a chapter on H.A.  The most bizarre was when H.A.’s chief poultry breeder [I do not know this person – I have requested the New York office research this person – A.S.] from the Farvue Farm went to pick up hatching eggs sent from Europe to a New York airport.  Knowing that they were for H.A.’s farm, a U.S. Customs official deliberately threw one of the eggs on the floor.  H.A. in his normal even manner suggested that, “Undoubtedly he looked at my poultry expert as one of ‘Henry Wallace’s Communists’ and began to see red.”

If only this was the limit of their actions. 

On May 1, Senator Glen Taylor [of Idaho –A.S.] was roughed up and arrested by police in Birmingham, Alabama.  He was there to speak before the Southern Negro Youth Conference [a Communist front organization designed to create dissension with the Negro race - A.S.] in support of H.A.  Using an ordinance forbidding integrated meetings, the city police chief, Eugene “Bull” Connor, ordered his arrest.  The police shoved Taylor, knocked him to the ground, and taunted him.  They told him that their boss said, “There is not enough room in town for Bull and the Commies.”  He thought they were going to beat him to death.  Taylor was photographed, fingerprinted and jailed.  He quickly made bond and was released.  Taylor immediately returned to Washington and relayed his experience on the Senator floor.  Neither of the Alabama Senators [Lister Hill and John Sparkman – A.S.], his colleagues in the gentlemen’s club, offered an apology for their state’s conduct.

Much worse was to follow just days later.  On May 7, one of our supporters was murdered.  Robert W. New Jr., a twenty-eight year old maritime worker, was murdered by a co-worker.  Rudolph Serreo said he slit New’s throat because he was a “nigger lover” and Wallace supporter.  Serreo’s attorney, Thomas P. Stoney, said, “At the trial I will prosecute Bob New for raising unrest among the colored people in the South.  I will prosecute him also as the chairman of the Wallace committee and as the despicable, slick, slimy Communists prowling the waterfront.”  With the trial being held in Charleston, I am certain Serreo will not be punished.

Almost everyday there is a new outrage and the rhetoric of the Whiskey Rebels is fueling this lawlessness. 

©  2015 Ron Millar